Dry Skin Routine

Dry Skin Routine

Original price was: EGP260.00.Current price is: EGP209.00.

Includes rose water, aloe vera gel, and coconut oil for a complete skincare routine.


Rose Water NPC 250ml

Natural pure 100%; Extracts from Water distillation of French rose petals; Free from Alcohol,

parabens and any chemical or aromatic substances & Rich in Vitamin A & D & C & B3,

contains many minerals such as Zn, contains many powerful antioxidants

Suitable for all skin types


As a natural toner for the skin

Due to its ability to contract the pores of the skin

It can be used as daily routine after washing ..morning and evening

Decrease acne Because of its ability to eliminate excess oils secretions on the skin,

which helps prevention of the accumulation of bacteria

Controls the acidity of the skin PH5.5 , which may be affected by the use of some types of

soap or lotion

moisturizes and lightens the skin

Because it contains moisturizing elements that penetrate deeply onto the skin cells and

improve its appearance

Suitable for sensitive skin

It does not cause redness or irritation to the skin slowing age

its ability to inhibit elastase and collagenase,

which damage the skin during age Helps to improve mood

and reduce depression because of its fresh odor Away to use.


Aloe Vera Gel NPC with Natural Oils 125ml

It combines between benefits of Aloe Vera with vitamin A & B & C as well as the benefits of

natural oils that moisturize the skin such as Argan oil , Jojoba oil , Coconut oil and Sweet

almond oil

For Skin :

  • One of the best natural masks which get rid of impurities , fats and blackheads
  • Fights and prevent wrinkles
  • Act as protective layer against sunlight
  • Used for 3 to 5 times per a day
  • Also it is used as a basic step after washing the face


Coconut Oil NPC (extra virgin) 25ml

Extracted from coconut fruits Contains lot of fatty acids and Proteins so have health and beauty

benefits for hair and nail

For Skin :

  • Strong moisturizer for skin and lips
  • Has anti-septic effect
  • Used as makeup remover
  • Maintains skin moisture and treats cracks
  • Topical natural antibiotic so treat grains and prevent their appearance Remove deed
  • layers of the skin so has anti pigment effect Has anti Inflammatory and ant itchiness

For information about Hair Routine

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg

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